Tel: +255(0)742 410 676

Benedictine Abbey Street, Ndanda

Ndanda College of Health and Allied Sciences

(Ndanda COHAS)



Students Organizations

Campus Life / Students Organizations

Students Organizations


Ndanda COHAS Students Organization (NDaSO) is a Students’ Organisation that is established with the main purpose of upholding students’ interests. This was also intended to teach students on social and political matters as well as economic and academic affairs practically by just being given advisory services or guidance from the Management through the warden office. Therefore, the Students’ Organizations of the Ndanda COHAS are run by students themselves with high degrees of autonomy.

NDaSO leaders are elected annually in the General Students’ Elections. NDaSO elections normally take place in March or April. All students have the right to vote and to be voted for. Posts to be contested for are President, Vice President, Class representatives, and hostel blocks.

The NDaSO General Elections is coordinated and managed by an independent Ndanda COHAS Electoral Committee (NEC). Members of the Electoral Committee are one (1) selected representatives from each class. The Chairperson of the Electoral Committee announces the results after the counting of votes is complete.


1. Membership

All admitted and registered students of the Ndanda COHAS who are taking studies are lawful members of NDaSO.


2. Obligations

Every member of NDaSO:

  1. Shall pay fees and annual subscriptions.

  2. Shall attend meetings regularly.

  3. Shall respect Student By-Laws.


3. Rights

Every member of NDaSO;

  1. Shall have the right to participate in general activities of NDaSO.

  2. Shall be eligible to vote or hold office when elected or appointed.

  3. Shall have a right of appearance and appeal before any organ that may determine the member’s vital interest for NDaSO and the college at large.

  4. Shall have the right of audience and freedom of expression before all organs of NDaSO.

  5. Shall have the right to (i) Assemble; (ii) Demonstrate; and (iii) Express their opinion.


4. Cessation of membership

Membership to the NDaSO shall cease when one ceasing to be a student of Ndanda COHAS by any reason whatsoever.


3. Rights

Every member of NDaSO;

  1. Shall have the right to participate in general activities of NDaSO.
  2. Shall be eligible to vote or hold office when elected or appointed.
  3. Shall have a right of appearance and appeal before any organ that may determine the member’s vital interest for NDaSO and the college at large.
  4. Shall have the right of audience and freedom of expression before all organs of NDaSO.
  5. Shall have the right to (i) Assemble; (ii) Demonstrate; and (iii) Express their opinion.

4. Cessation of membership

Membership to the NDaSO shall cease when one ceasing to be a student of Ndanda COHAS by any reason whatsoever.