Tel: +255(0)742 410 676

Benedictine Abbey Street, Ndanda

Ndanda College of Health and Allied Sciences

(Ndanda COHAS)




Campus Life / Choir



The Choir is a large mixed ensemble open to all students of Ndanda COHAS. This ensemble develops a love of choral music and singing among the members and shares that passion with audiences.

The physiological benefits of singing, and music more generally, have long been explored. Music making exercises the brain as well as the body, but singing is particularly beneficial for improving breathing, posture and muscle tension. Listening to and participating in music has been shown to be effective in pain relief, too, probably due to the release of neurochemicals such as β-endorphin (a natural painkiller responsible for the “high” experienced after intense exercise).

A choir can be an entry-level service opportunity for members and attenders. Anyone can sing God’s praises, including a baby believer who isn’t ready yet to serve in other capacities (and, to be frank, a choir helps even the worst voice somehow blend into the praise).

Ndanda COHAS choir is open to all students regardless of their gender, beliefs, or dominations.
You can visit out youtube channel for more videos