Tel: +255(0)742 410 676

Benedictine Abbey Street, Ndanda

Ndanda College of Health and Allied Sciences

(Ndanda COHAS)



Clinical Medicine Skill Lab

Teaching Resources / Clinical Medicine Skill Lab

Clinical Medicine Skill Lab


The skill lab unit is a learning laboratory that provides excellent learning opportunities for the medical students to practice basic and specific clinical skills either independently or mediated by teaching staff.

To maximize the learning effect our skill lab lessons are designed specifically to match the global curriculum. The models that are available in the clinical skill lab are designed to support the clinical skills that are required for the medical training of our medical students and to ensure that the program outcome criteria are met.

The active learning experiences in the clinical skill lab and the enhancement of the scientific principles in the technical skills prepare the student for real-life situations and the ability to engage in self-directed learning activities.

The learning activities allow the student to engage in repeated practice of a particular clinical skill until competency is reached to perform the same clinical procedure on real patients. This will ensure that the graduates produce at the end of the program is knowledgeable and safe.